Remote Office Tech

Conference Calling With Skype

Use a good headset and mike when conference calling with Skype

Use a good headset and mike when conference calling with Skype

After email the second tool I use the most on my laptop is Skype. I make a lot of phone calls with Skype everyday and I really like the conference calling feature to connect with customers and colleagues.

Everyone I work with uses Skype and it's really easy to stay connected.

I use the Skype instant messaging feature to send a quick message to my coworkers in different countries.

If a chat conversation becomes too detailed we can quickly call each other using the free Skype to Skype call feature.

We also use the Skype conference call feature for our weekly team meetings or any time we need more than two people on the call.

Skype Conference Calling Features

These features are available when everyone is using Skype software.

Possible Issues

To be aware of possible issues before they happen.

The next section has a few solution you can implement to have a successful meeting.

What if someone can't connect with Skype?

If somebody can't connect to your Skype conference call the best solution is to setup a standard audio conference bridge. Then you call the conference bridge with your Skype software and then add everyone else that is using the Skype software. This is the best of both worlds. Basically, you are adding the standard conference bridge as a one caller on your conference call. have a standard you can add Skype callers for free and people not using the software can call into the bridge with their landline or mobile phone. This really takes care of everyone.

Here's a few reasons why it may not be working for someone:

Joining A Standard Audio Conference Bridge Using Skype

This is super simple, once you have the conference bridge number and password. Just dial-in like you would usually when you are on a phone. Once you are connected you can add other Skype users to the call. This is really handy if the conference bridge is a local number and you are connecting people that are in another city or country. I use this a lot when I'm connecting to a toll free bridge in the US and other people are connecting from Europe. It's a free call for me and I can add them into the bridge for free.

Skype Video Conference Calling

Use Skype for video conference calls

You can also use Skype to make video conference calls. Like the audio service everyone needs to be running the Skype software. It's recommended that everyone is running the same version of software. If you run into any issues making a video call, you should check the version first.

Video calls between two people has always been free and recently they introduced free Skype group video calls. This allows up to ten people to connect using their video conference service, but they recommend up to 5 for the best experience. It's also recommended that everyone has a high speed Internet connection. This is because video uses a lot more bandwidth than just a regular call. If you run into any issues during a video call I would recommend you drop the video session and see if you can communicate.

One thing to note is that the video conferencing software is only works on Window machines and Mac desktops. So it's not available on Smartphones and Tablets. I expect that will change in the future.

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